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Concentrate on the Core and Work Together for a Great Plan! Lab Companion Was Invited to Participate in IC China2020!

Concentrate on the Core and Work Together for a Great Plan! Lab Companion Was Invited to Participate in IC China2020!

September 19, 2020

Concentrate on the Core and Work Together for a Great Plan! Lab Companion Was Invited to Participate in IC China2020!

Products on display: high and low temperature test chamber, rapid-rate thermal cycle test chamber, thermal shock test chamber, dragon temperature forcing system--Froilabo

Booth No. : E2-135

Time: October 14-16, 2020

Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre(SNIEC), China

Theme: Openness, Development and win-win Cooperation

Concentrate on the Core and Work Together for a Great Plan!

Integrated circuit industry is a basic, strategic, leading industry, China has been the world's largest integrated circuit market for many years, China's integrated circuit industry has been integrated into value chain, supply chain and innovation chain of the global integrated circuit industry.

With the arrival of the 5G era, the application of 5G in industry, agriculture, transportation, medical care, culture, smart city and other fields has spawned a huge new market and new business formats, providing a broad space for innovation and development for the integrated circuit industry. On the basis of successfully holding two Global IC Entrepreneurs Conference and China International Semiconductor Expo (IC China), under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, China Semiconductor Industry Association, China Electronics and Information Industry Development Research Institute and Shanghai Economic and Information Technology Commission co-hosted the 3rd Global IC Entrepreneur Conference and the 18th China International Semiconductor Expo (IC China2020).

The theme of this conference and expo is "Openness, development and win-win cooperation - core momentum of 5G era", which aims to further strengthen the exchange and cooperation of the global IC industry in the 5G era, discuss the innovation and development of the global IC industry, display the technology and achievements of the global IC industry, and promote the sustainable and high-quality development of the global IC industry. At the same time, the conference and expo will also hold a series of activities for the 30th anniversary of the China Semiconductor Industry Association.

Exhibition area planning

Excellent chip exhibition area

Semiconductor design exhibition area

Semiconductor manufacturing, closed test exhibition area

Discrete semiconductor device exhibition area

Semiconductor equipment materials exhibition area

Semiconductor innovation application exhibition area

Range of exhibits

Memory, CPU, MCU, analog circuit, IC design tools, etc. Semiconductor manufacturing technology, semiconductor packaging technology and testing technology, etc.; Power devices, sensors, photoelectric devices, MEMS, etc.; Semiconductor equipment materials exhibition area: semiconductor wafer equipment, semiconductor packaging equipment, semiconductor test equipment, IC test equipment, monocrystalline silicon, silicon wafers, compound semiconductor materials, etc. Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, automotive electronics, smart cities, smart terminals, health care, industrial applications, etc.

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